NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR PARISH OF TINTWISTLE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Tintwistle Ward of Tintwistle...
Free Room Hire at Tintwistle Community Centre, Sexton Street
Extended Consultation sessions at local venues
Postponed meetings Monday 9th October 2023
PLEASE NOTE: Due to apologies received from committee members, the following meetings have been postponed due to inquorate numbers: Health and safety committee meeting, Monday 9th October...
Annual Parish Meeting – 22nd May 2023
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2023 Tintwistle Parish Council Monday 22nd May 6 – 7pm Tintwistle CofE Primary School, South Close, Tintwistle, SK13 1LY The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting...
Notice of Election
Notice is hereby given that an election is to be held for the Town/Parish Councillors for the following areas listed below: Area Number of Town/Parish Councillors to be elected Area Number...
PARISH MEETING – Monday 23rd January 2023 at 6.30pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT:- Tintwistle Parish Council invites you to a PARISH MEETING MONDAY 23RD JANUARY 2023 6.30 – 7.30pm Tintwistle C of E Primary School, South Close, Tintwistle,...
Glossopdale Soup – A community Fundraising Event
Tintwistle Mobile Library Timetable
Derbyshire County Council Mobile Library Timetable Location: Tintwistle, West Drive Time: 9:45 - 10:15 AM Dates: 12-Dec, 09-Jan,...
Remembrance Day Service for Sunday 13th November 2022